1079 Bethlehem Church Rd.,
Bethlehem, GA 30620
Nativity’s Children’s Ministry group gathers immediately after worship,
children meet downstairs for a gospel-themed snack, brief lesson and play!
9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall
We continue our study of the book of Acts.
All are truly welcome!
Ash Wednesday
Service of Holy Communion
and Imposition of Ashes at 7:00 PM
Mid-Week Lenten Worship
Soup Supper in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. Please sign up in the narthex to bring food.
Worship in the Sanctuary at 7:00 PM.
We will sing together the
Lenten Liturgy, That You May Have Life, and enjoy a special presentation pf the seasonal drama, Room for Error
VBS Planning Meeting
Can you help with this year's "Summer Celebration"? This year we will have separate after-dinner activities for children and adults. So a variety of gifts are needed! Meet immediately after worship in Pastor Julie's office.
We are looking for a Volunteer Sexton,
Sound intriguing? See Pastor Julie or Bill Ghodes. Approximately one hour per week.
The Southeastern Synod is one of 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, as depicted in our logo, through the four parts of the cross. We are on our way together – pointing people to the cross - scattered across Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
As disciples of Jesus, we seek to equip, empower, and engage all to love and serve. The circle is not closed, but remains open. For we have been called to draw the circle so wide that no lines of exclusion exist; so that all may know God’s grace, love, and mercy.